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HorseClicks Top Blog Picks Of The Month

To Pee Or Not To Pee

By Tanya Buck

Ever wish you could potty train your horse to urinate only in a certain area that you designate, instead of where he chooses?

How To Choose a Boarding Facility

By Emily Liebman

As much as I’m sure we would love to, most horse owners can’t keep their horses on their own property. It takes a lot of space, time, money, and commitment, which is why we generally find ourselves at boarding facilities.


Touchy Feely
By Tanya Buck

Horses and touch go together like sand and sea. You can’t be with your horse or near any horse, for that matter, without touching, stroking and petting him. But how does the horse feel about all that caressing?

My Trainer Says - Competiton Attire
By Cher Griffin

My landing spot this weekend was a wonderful show where a lot of the riders were intermediates. They are just learning the ins and outs of showing and the camaraderie that goes with it.


Stop ‘N’ Go, 101
By Tanya Buck

Have you ever ridden a horse that you swear could read your mind? He does what you want before you even ask and seems to know your very thoughts.


How To Load A Difficult Horse
By Emily Liebman

Whether you’re hauling to a show or for any other reason, it’s always easier when your horse loads well. We’ve all known those horses that freak out when it’s time to get on the trailer and honestly, you don’t want it to be yours.