4 Reasons Why An Online Business Solves Our lack Of Time Problem
The never-ending rush between work, the stables and our family situation. I've been there too. It’s exhausting.
Sooner or later you come to a point that you can’t take it anymore. I remember how I felt when I was working as an employee, always rushing between work, the stables and my family situation.
I felt stuck and I just couldn’t find a solution to solve the lack of time problem. In the meantime, it takes its toll on your health, your relationships and your horse eventually.
The fact that I didn't have enough time for both my horse and my family, made me feel stressed out, frustrated and even isolated sometimes. I was always behind on housekeeping, late for events and never at home.
This resulted in discussions about time and money with my partner, which made me feel scared that I would have to quit horseback riding sooner or later in life.
Fortunately (in this case though), I am stubborn. I was willing to do whatever it takes to find a solution so that I could have plenty of time for both my horse passion as well as my relationships.
This meant that I had to solve the lack of time problem. But how? That was the big question.
Just as for every other self-made man or woman, they never found their success straight away. Also for me, it took me several years to find out what works and most often, what didn’t work.
First, I tried figuring out a way to achieve this as an employee first. By getting promoted, working less than full time, becoming a horse instructor as a side job, etc.
Unfortunately, none of these options solved my lack of time problem. The reason for that is that working less also means earning less. This is the hard truth when working for an employer.
So, my biggest discovery was that as an employee, I would never be able to experience the level of freedom I admired for my horse passion as well as my family situation.
The only way to break free of the money & time constraint is by starting an online business. This led me to one of the most exciting new chapters in my life: entrepreneurship!
Now I learned that being an employee is a dead-end street when it comes to having sufficient time and money to do what you love doing most, I had to figure out the path to entrepreneurship.
Very soon I discovered that the traditional way of starting a business was too risky for me. First of all, it costs too much in terms of investment (store, products, service, …). But more importantly, a traditional business requires you to be present physically! So then you’re still stuck in a time and money constraint.
Thinking out of the box, I discovered several ways of starting an Online Business. And that’s where the magic happened! I’m about to share four of the most important reasons why an online business solves our lack of time problem.
First of all, running an online business means that you can work from your laptop anywhere and whenever you want. From the comfort of your home or even at the stables, whatever you like and whenever it suits you. You’re the boss now!
Secondly, an Online Business takes a lot of time to set up at first, but once it’s up and running, you can leave most of it running on autopilot! This is the most important factor in running an online business. Because you can set it up in such a way that you can automate most parts of your business, we’re free of the money versus time constraint. You can now spend this time with your horse, your family or whatever you like! And this is exactly what we’re looking for.
You can now start to choose how many hours you want to work. Only a few hours per week are necessary at the very minimum to maintain it. Putting in more effort is totally up to your ambitions.
Thirdly, running an automated online business offers a huge opportunity for scaling. This we can increase our marketing budget knowing almost exactly how much more profit this will bring us! This is just a matter of clicking a few buttons.
At last, you can consider outsourcing to free yourself up partly or even entirely. Outsourcing has never been so easy than in this digital age. It does require you to have basic knowledge about what you’re outsourcing, but it has created so many new opportunities of which most people still aren’t aware of or not using to exploit their potential.
Knowing the opportunity of running an online business, I sometimes still can’t believe so many people still work for traditional companies in traditional jobs. I’ve discovered that people who know the opportunity of an online business, just don’t know how to get started. It’s easier than you might think!
Being an equestrian myself, it has become my mission to help other equestrians and horse owners solve their lack of time problems too. So, at my company PSP-Lifestyle, we teach our clients to build their business online so that they can have more time to enjoy their horse passion.
If you’d like to discover how to start an online business, please watch my video where I explain 3 simple steps on how to get started with your online business.
In the meantime, I wish you all the peace of mind to enjoy all areas of life, including our horse passion of course!
Loes Derks
Link: https://moretimeforyourhorse.psp-lifestyle.com/sign-up