BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | August 28th...⚜ The HERITAGE Classic ⚜
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: 222 Triple Deuce Equine LLC - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Weatherford, TX
Here is the PRINCE charming you’ve been searching for your whole life!
I mean LOOK at him!!
Triple Deuce Equine proudly presents,
THE BEST pony that has ever been through my program!
Barrels & Poles, Western, English, Pleasure, Goat tying & Roping!
Here is the pony that will take your kids to the top, while keeping them 100% safe!
He does NOT think he is a pony…
Prince acts & rides like a big horse would. He is absolutely ONE HAND BROKE. Great stop, back up, side pass, short lope, the list goes on! Built correct, perfect size & as pretty as you have ever seen a pony be! No kicking & pulling needed here! He is light, correct, & will do anything you ask of him! Prince has been used in my riding lesson program & is the kid favorite. Ride, Brush & braid him all day. Prince has been used competitively at all levels. Young kids can handle him as well as older experienced kids. If asked, he can run the barrels & poles with the best of em’! He has been hauled & entered in youth rodeos & play-days! He is very finished in all the speed events, but is just as solid & sane out on the trials! Prince also rides ENGLISH & would be a standout in a pony club!
This pony crosses water, tarps, logs, & rides in town through loud traffic. Gun shots, trains & more. He has NEVER been fresh, bucked, bit or kicked while in my possession! If I had a kid of my own, he wouldn’t be leaving my place! Works cattle, great around dogs, goats, pigs & vehicles!! Put him in a pasture or a stall. He gets along great with other horses. Is NOT at all buddy sour or barn sour. Loads, ties, bathes like a champ. Farrier’s best friend, solid big feet. I’m sure I could go on, give me a call & I can tell you more.
Prince sells with ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????, which means your investment will be covered & protected like any good one should be!
Prince is SOUND & clean with no visible bumps or blemishes. Current Coggins & Health Cert in hand.
Located in Weatherford TX.
We can set up SHIPPING to anywhere in the states! Don’t let distance stop you from this once in a lifetime pony!
Please contact Anna Christine Barker - Click here to reveal phone number - for any further questions!