Place your bids at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
$3500 Starting Bid
Auction ends Oct. 8th
As sweet as he as big, Hugo is a 15 year old 18 hand Clydesdale gelding who wants to be your best friend. From hanging out in the stall to trail riding, parades, shows, rodeos and arena work he aims to please every single time and there’s nothing he hasn’t already done. We’ve roped steers off him out of the box as well as the pasture, he will hold one all day long but I will say he isn’t going to catch up to the fresh ones. He’s a big boy, but dog gentle and absolutely anyone can ride him. From my extremely timid 4 year old to your 104 year old grandma, if you can sit on him he is going to take care of you every single step. Hugo’s life goal seems to be making sure his people are safe and have fun. He will pack the saddle bags, go through, over, under (well…. If he can fit under) or around anything with no hesitation. Bareback and bridleless? No problem. English? So last year but we’ll do it anyway. Western? Of course. Want to shoot Roman candles off him? I’ve done it. Fly a kite? Alright. The most kind, handsome gentleman! He’s truly one of a kind and that should say a lot about his demeanor. He can put up with mine and my kids shenanigans day in and day out, which can be quite a bit for some to handle. He’s humble, honest and a true doll to have around. He will not test a fence, stands for all cares – yes, including farrier work. You don’t even have to hold him up, he will do the work for you with no stocks and a dog laying under him for shade. My farriers don’t do drafts and they almost said no, met him and went for it. They adored him and he was perfect for them every time. He loads and unloads himself on the trailer, will stand tied all day even if he’s not really tied because your 9 year old cannot figure out how to tie a knot to save her life. I don’t care who you are, if you don’t get along with this guy you won’t get along with any of them. He’s a gem, there will never be another like him and I will kick myself for the rest of my life for selling him. Contact SS Equine Savannah - Click here to reveal phone number - Located in Woodstock, IL.
Place your bids at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
$3500 Starting Bid
Auction ends Oct. 8th
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