We have been assisting people with buying and selling all types of farms in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia for many years. From horse farms to grain farms to chicken farms, we can walk a potential buyer through all of the steps needed to acquire that perfect farm, in that perfect location, with that perfect privacy and peace of mind that comes with it. We have lender contacts who can explain loan programs that are available state-specific, like the MARBIDCO Program in Maryland which provides a low-interest rate loan that may even be considered as a down payment on a farm. Though it's actually a loan, many lenders allow buyers to substitute funds from the MARBIDCO "loan" for out of pocket cash needed for down payment requirements. It greatly minimizes the out of pocket costs needed to buy a farm. Then, there's an FSA Direct Loan (no money down) that one can use in any state. I can explain more when we talk. We love what we do, helping good people find good farms. We look forward to working with you, assisting you with your farm purchase!