Trigger is an extremely handsome all around gelding that weighs 1200lbs and is built like a horse should be and broke like a horse should be. Trigger, as we call him, is the kind of horse we all love to have. Not only is he beautiful, but he is also very talented and so well trained for all levels of riders and disciplines. He will perform bareback and bridle-less as well as an incredible reining pattern, as well as riding down a dirt road on a Sunday afternoon, and then head off to the pasture to go gather cattle on Monday morning! Trigger is a proven and low maintenance blue eyed bomb shell who will win your heart as well as belt buckles! We have really enjoyed hauling and showing while taking trigger through our program. Trigger is a fancy Ranch Rider and Versatility gelding and knows all the maneuvers. A great trail horse as well, from mud, logs, crossings creeks, bridges, and more He is sure footed in rough terrain and picks his way around all the rocks and rough terrain. He is very quiet around gunfire and farm equipment as well as traffic on the road. He also really enjoys cowboying on the ranch, pushing and doctoring cattle, and he will pull anything you can lasso then lets you step off to doctor. Trigger gets along well with other horses when turned out or keeps in a stall quietly. He is great to catch and often can be found meeting you at the gate. Trigger has quiet ground manners when bathing, clipping, and hauling. He really loves attention and any job you decide to do that day. Contact venCall - Click here to reveal phone number - 3442,Text or Send a Message: