Joe joe is a super cute and well bred, well trained 11 year old buckskin gelding. With Rugged lark right on his papers it’s no wonder he is this good. This is a fun horse to ride that moves off light leg and hand cues and is smooth traveling. He will lope out on cue always taking the correct lead. He has a great stop, backs soft, rolls back and lopes right out of his tracks. He collects up well and side passes with ease to open and close the gates. Joe Joe is solid to ride around our busy neighborhood streets as well as out on the rugged mountain trails. When riding around our the neighborhood he handles the fast moving vehicles, farm animals, barking dogs running at the fence like a pro and has handled everything with a level head. Joe Joe is outstanding to ride on our mountain trails. He crosses the creeks, the river, the trail bridges and downed timber and is sure footed and dependable in tough steep rocky terrain. He is truly a 4 wheel drive machine and will go anywhere we point him. Up, down, over around or thru it. He has been extensively trail ridden. He will lead or follow and rides quiet in a larger group and will go out alone. He has been to team sorting’s and been shown in the trail classes as well and has done the ranch work and has even roped a few out of the box. He gets along well with the other horses in the pasture.