BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | November 6th... ♦️ The American Fall Classic ♦️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Marlis Farm - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Rebersburg, PA
Safe, dependable, stout, pretty and boke to the T is the definition of Soldier!!
Soldier as we call him is a 14yr old 15.1 hand paint quarter horse gelding that has a stout build and has a gentle willing to please attitude. Soldier is easy to ride with a one hand neck rein and 3 smooth gaits.
Soldier sidepasses and is soft in the face also responds well to leg cues. Soldier rides great in the arena and picks up both his leads and also rides great outside. Soldier rides out by himself or rides in a group . You can ride Soldier once a day or once a month and he rides the same every single time.
Soldier would be a good fit for any level rider as he takes care of his rider no matter the situation. Soldier is gentle around children and loves all the attention you can give him.
We have taken Soldier up in the mountains and down the main highway and he goes wherever you point him. We have even ridden him inside the local hardware store and nothing seems to faze him.
We have exposed Soldier to flapping tarps, bouncing balls, all kinds of obstacles and he is not bothered by any of it. Soldier is also traffic safe and we have ridden him down state routes and about anywhere you can think of. Soldier stands to be tacked including to mount and dismount. Soldier also stands to be washed, clipped and for the farrier. He is up to date on farrier, dewormer and had his teeth done the beginning of October. Soldier has a current coggins and health certificate.
For more info or to come see Soldier call Mark - Click here to reveal phone number -
We can help arrange shipping anywhere in the United States!!