Butterfly is your typical arab. She likes attention. She wants to bond and she will stand for you to groom her all day. Stands perfect for saddling and bridling. Sometimes needs to be reminded to stand still before she heads down the trail or goes to work. She’s got a big posting Trot, an extended trot to die for and a canter you can ride all day. No buck. No rear. No spook. No bolt.
Butterfly has done tons of obstacle work. Tons of desensitizing work and is a fun horse to work with due to being a super smart girl. She has been used in a lesson program and does a great job when tuned up. Last winter she had lost some weight but had her teeth floated and we are practically watching the pounds pack back on. Rides out alone. Rides in a group. Rides in a bit. Likes a bosal. I really cannot complain or pick on this beautiful lady.
Butterfly is your typical Arabian mare. You either love them or you hate them. I personally love them. Currently in full time training with me until she sells. You don’t want to miss out on such a little diamond in the rough. 6 five 1 two 8 three nine 7 zero nine
We can thank Leslie Babb for our shiny coats and happy horses today!! Our EquiFuse grooming products are seriously the best!!