Phyre phligh is a retired sport horse looking for someone as adventurous as she is. Ring work causes her to be intermittently lame but strolling the trails, finding water to paw in and enjoying nature is where she is best suited. She loves to walk. Phyre is a 16.1h 2010 model who has earned her spot as number two mare in her herd. She’s assertive but not aggressive. Her group live outside mainly but come in during storms and hot/ cold spells. She gets a daily vitamin and has access to pasture and hay at all times.Requires blanketing in the winter. She is barefoot, up to date on all heard health but will need a coggins if you require one. She has been an amazing therapeutic outlet for my Dad that has health conditions. She is kind, quiet and very loving - she might do really well in a therapeutic riding program. Located in Pakenham Ontario- West of Ottawa. Contact KaitlynCall - Click here to reveal phone number - 1498,Text or Send a Message: