Introducing COOL BEANS..... This guy is COOOOOL!!! Not only good looking but this fellow is loaded with personality and brains galore. Been there and done it twice!!! Great beginner-confidence booster-kids type horse. This guy could be a child's life long buddy. Been on many many trail rides,wagon trains,and in the 4h club. WON'T LAST LONG. Check this site out and you will see, A STEP ABOVE STABLES, is where you should be, ALL HORSES GUARANTEED. Payment plans offered, credit cards accepted, and we have a delivery service. We also offer free board, lessons, and trail rides to ensure the rider horse bond. We have numerous references if needed and we ship anywhere. We sell 250 quality horses per year. Check us out on facebook and tripadvisor, where we are rated as a number one stables. Come see the difference and help us make this the best year ever!!!