Bella + Dora
6 years old 15hands ish
Simply adorable ladys of natural Horsemanship
Looking for their forever homes to stay together
They have been utilized as our pasture as eye candy grazing at their own free will and handled touch on several times a day
Fed am n pm and free choice coastal bahia hay - alfalfa Timothy cub - grass turn out when we have it
Pretty much easy keepers no vices no issues no problems
Prior owner rode them both have pics of their family n friends on their backs (kids to seniors)
We dont ride but have own horses all our lives and wanted to play Parelli ground games 'as we do' natural Horsemanship is a way of life for some people (like ourselves) and horses that is based on mutual communication, respect, and trust bonding with an equine
So we bought these two several years ago to keep with our love of horses and because we missed big horses on our property- these 2 ladys are by far our favorite and superstars. They infact are too good to be just hanging around. They deserve a job. Our son (experienced rider) when he is home will jump on their backs bareback and take them for a stroll around property- ponying other horse in toe - no bit - no saddle - all about respect and manners we talk to them and their very responsive
That act like laberdoodles + Ideal for loving on brushing and enjoying the whole experience of standard horses without any problems or worries
They are dreamy with their personalities and of your wanting horses who are easy going a beautiful to own these are your pair - you brush one your really brushing the two they are always intertwined and inseparable
Never jealous of the other patients of saints
Great with Farrier good hoofs barefoot they stand with being haltered easy to deworm and stand by you if you want to halter easy w Vet we pull coggins annually
Sincerely they need a job seeing it more n more even with all attention they recieve - they would make some one dream horses and I'm sure with some refresher
training they would be ideal for your wants needs and purposes. Good family equine and to learn with or if you are already of Horsemanship you will appreciate and understand their truly special pets
Have them scheduled with trainer Jan 2025 for a month - but then will we be selling them for $6,000 plus each as riders - knowing they will bounce back in the swing of thing
Price is reasonable at $8500 reduced price to rehome
Will hold for two weeks free of charge and can transport if needed w their coggins current will have farrier come in n trim
Keeping a quality price tag on them due to not wanting them to be separated or resold or bought on impulse
Any questions happy to answer email me your number you can visit with them upon appointment - Click here to reveal phone number -