*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Zach Brandenburg our phone number
LOCATION: Grassy Creek KY
AGE: 5
Scout is a handsome grade rocky mtn gaited gelding that is 5 years old and stands 14.1 hands tall. This is a gentle gelding that has been local his entire life and has been loved since day 1. Scout is a nice easy going horse that is uncomplicated in every way. He has a gentle disposition and an “ old horses” mentality. He doesn’t get shook up or spooky over things and is always calm and well mannered. Scout loves people and always aims to please. He will go where ever you point him with no hesitation and will ride out alone or in large groups. He is smooth gaited and will walk on a loose rein when asked. He is sure footed and confident on the trail as well as traffic safe. If you need something safe and handy sized to get on and off of here is your guy!