If you’re looking for that one gelding that literally checks all the boxes then stop scrolling! Meet PACMAN!! At just 7 years old he has done a lot of everything, but his major talent and his biggest strength is that he is gentle for anyone and everyone all day every day. We don’t throw out the word "Bombproof" very often but PacMan has shown us the true definition of GENTLE and SAFE. PacMan is well trained with a reining handle and feel. You can easily control all parts of his face and body with ease. He will lead departure easily left lead or right. He circles beautifully and he can run circles and speed transition down to slow small circles easily. He has a smooth lead change, smooth correct spins with a big deep stop on whoa! You can make a reining pattern in the arena and then go on a trail ride all without a bridle bareback!! PacMan is the true definition of GENTLE. He is wonderful to ride and has the calmest demeanor. Literally nothing fazes him. You can rope his legs, drag the barrel or log, rope the sled or goof around with the tarp. He will walk over it, under it and is calm with it all. Our 3-year-old son catches him, leads him, grooms him and rides him everywhere. We know Pacman will take care of him and keep him safe. Outside of the arena he is calm, patient and goes the speed you ask. If you want to stop and have lunch, he will tie to literally anything and be there when you come back. The other day we had some snow here in North Texas and some very cold, wind blowing freezing days. We saddled PacMan in the freezing cold, wind blowing and we were all bundled up in winter clothes and muck boots to go tubing in the snow. PacMan pulled the tube around our 65 acres as we made memories with our 3-year-old son in his first real snowy winter. No buck, No silliness, just eager to please and be a part of the day. He stands 14.2h making him easy to get on and off and he is the best trail partner you could ask for. He easily guided with a true one hand neck rein. PacMan will go over or through anything you ask him to. He crosses water, goes over the bridge and logs, up and down steep hills and is careful and cautious in tight situations. He is traffic safe. We can hop on him and ride him bareback with a string around his neck out to check the mail. Semis and cars cruising by at 75mph and he doesn’t bat an eye. Here’s a gelding that we believe to be virtually bombproof and one of the best ones to come through our program in a while. Ride him every day or once a month and he is the same horse either way. We have shot GUNS off him so we believe he could even go be a mounted shooting horse with how he handles gunfire and doesn’t get rattled at all. This is a unique and talented young gelding we are extremely proud to offer you. At just 7 years old the possibilities are endless with this guy. His calm demeanor and kind personality are all wrapped up in a gorgeous bay roan package. For more info or to schedule a test ride on PacMan please Call Casey at - Phone number removed - Located in Graham, Texas and shipping can be easily arranged nationwide.