The possibilities are endless: ride, Drive, Single, Double, Break colts with them, Parades, and Carriage business. You have a dream. Well, it just came true with this Draft Horse Team for Sale right here. Mick & Mack are Percheron Belgian cross, Full Brothers, and 7 & 8 years old. They are in the prime of their life and honest and as solid of a team as your hard-earned money can buy. Why BUY the rest? When you can buy the BEST, I’m serious about that. You won’t ever have an opportunity to purchase a team of this caliber because they aren’t out there. Standing tall ahead of the rest will make you do just the same. Don’t wait, call me today. I’m here to help, and we are super excited to offer the BEST here at Haste Draft Horses and Mules: shipping anywhere, harnesses for sale, Wagons, and equipment for sale. We are your One Stop Draft Shop. Call NOW at - Click here to reveal phone number - 5669.
God bless you, and I’ll wait for your call.