"Angel" is an absolutely stunning golden palomino Missouri Fox Trotter. She is 14.3 hands tall and heavy built. This beautiful girl has a precious disposition. She is gentle and she loves attention. She is a quiet and dependable trail-riding horse. She doesn't get in a hurry. She is perfectly content walking along easily while you visit with your friends. She has an amazing fox trot. She is so SMOOTH! She stands statue still for mounting. She stands quiet for grooming, the farrier, a haircut, bathing, and putting your saddle on. She will go anywhere that you point her beautiful head and never complain. She has been ridden on the road and she is traffic safe. She crosses water and eases across ditches. She can go for long periods of time without being ridden and she will still be the same gentle well broke horse that you rode the last time. She loads and hauls the best. If you are looking for a gorgeous head-turning golden palomino that is SAFE don't miss her!
For more information call (573)225-3534.