One in a million chance, when I tell you you can drive the four corners of the United States and everywhere in between and come up short this is your girl. It's extremely rare for me to ever say a horse is guaranteed Kids Safe and on top of that a gaited Pony. I can count on one hand and cut off most of my fingers. I won't need them. You do not come across these guys or in this case girls. Biscuit is a 14-year-old 13.3 hand gaited Pony Mare. She will shed out to be a red roan paint Spotted tobiano. I don't care what you want to call her, she is your insurance policy. At the end of the day, that's all that matters. The majority of this video was done by a five-year-old. My daughter then did some of the stuff that we didn't have time for just to show how gentle, safe, kind, and calm and you can add whatever else you want in there. I cannot stress enough and this is going to be the end of what I say just watch the video if you are looking for a trail horse or in this instance a medium to large Pony that is gaited for your kids that is a safe as anything you will ever be able to find. Think long and hard. I promise you they're not available. If you want to take your kid's trail riding with you camping whatever you wish to do, if you want to keep your kids safe, you really ought to consider biscuit. There are no gimmicks or tricks. I have done everything that I can possibly think of to show you how safe she is from all kids doing her video and me personally never doing anything with her but leading her in and out of the barn when nobody else is around so she can eat. One person will be the lucky new owner. It will be like winning the lottery. You have a 1 in a million chance here. If you have any questions whatsoever please give me a call.
For more information call (717)353-1133.