Beautiful standard donkey… would be great in the field with other donkeys or cattle. She was raised by my husband, who passed, and I no longer care for her.
Cute little mini team, who were loved on by my husband. My husband passed and I no longer can care for them. I want them to go to a living home together. $250 a piece.
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Frequently asked questions
What is a donkey?
Donkeys are a breed of equine that originated in north Africa and is closely related to the horse. They are known for their docile nature, hardy constitutions and intelligence. They come in many sizes, ranging from miniature donkeys that stand about 2 feet at the shoulder to Mammoth Jacks, which can weigh up to 1,200 lbs. Donkeys are often kept as pets or used as pack animals or guardians for sheep and goats. They have also been used for trail rides, driving carts and working on farms.