Chief’s fatal attraction is a 6 year old gelding that stands a sturdy 14.1 hand gelding. This gelding has it all!! The looks, the brains and the smooth gait we all love! This guy is super friendly and just a joy to have around, he doesn’t bother a thing and is always kind and willing to do what ever is asked of him, he is a tail riders Dream, he goes where you point his pretty little head and doesn’t get shook up and rowdy over anything we have done with him, he rides at the speed you ask him to
and stays comfortable. He is effortless to ride doesn’t require any special shoeing or crazy bit to help him gait smoothly. Chief loads easily and trailers quietly. He is an honest gelding that I think anyone can get along with and enjoy. He handy sized to mount and dismount yet has a good enough build to pack a larger rider if needed.