Drogon is just about the sweetest, funniest, most child like horse you’ll ever meet. He is such a ham - he loves taking selfies and looking at himself in the mirror (seriously!)He retired from racing in 2018 with zero injuries. He won $200,000 when he was 2 years old. I fell in love with him, but knew nothing about horses..I spent 10s of thousands of dollars on his training. I’m not a strong enough tiger for him, but he can jump, just needs to learn more about it and he will do it! Same with dressage and eventing, I currently have him leased out because I had 2 babies back to back..and without their dad paying child support, and horse expenses are difficult to manage.He deserves all the love in the world, and will be whatever you want him to be. He hasn’t trained western, but he’d be happy to.He literally just wants love and attention and he will learn anything you want him to. I obviously never showed him, but he would be a judges favorite. He is so beautiful and good. Please contact to discuss further! Contact AmyCall - Click here to reveal phone number - 2129,Text or Send a Message: