Jezzy is a 12 year old 15.3 hand Belgian quarter horse cross mare. She is a bomb-proof trail horse that comes vaccinated with a current negative Coggins and shipping included anywhere and the lower 48 states by my shipper with THE BUY IT NOW OPTION ONLY. She is a super gentle but athletic Trail horse that will go wherever you ask without fuss and won't spook. She will ride English or western and has a really nice walk Trot and Canter and a slower Lope. She has been Fox Hunted and has been on camping trips for the weekend. I have put her on a high line with no problems. She can live in a mixed herd and is very easy to get along with. She can live out 24/7 or come into the stall with no bad habits. She's an easy keeper and has great manners. She is a nice thick girl that can carry a wide range of riders. Everybody that comes to the barn wants to ride her first we have used her in lessons and she is a real nice all around horse. We started her over jumps and she has been doing real good with that.
We at Apple Creek Farm spend an enormous amount of time doing everything imaginable with a horse to make sure he or she is the best that horse can be a well-behaved horse makes a happy owner