He has the smoothest jog you could ever ask for on a horse and talk about a lope to die for. He doesn’t mind barking dogs, farm yard traffic, other horses galloping past by or even a bird in flight.He is not herd bound.
He can stand in his stall or on go unused in the pasture, being un-ridden for long periods of time and you get him, tack him up, climb up on him… NO LUNGING HIM JUST RIDE HIM OFF -just like he had been ridden every day, no crow hopping, no non-sense… no nothing. He is JUST A GOOD BOY.I can’t say he would never do anything wrong as he is not a robot , he is a HORSE but I can honestly say he has never done anything naughty with us ever.
I would never ever sell him but I had an accident a couple of years back and I cannot ride anymore.I just can’t bear watching him go to waste any longer. He is just way too good a horse and someone deserves to have him in their life and be enjoying him.
“Beau” is loaded with personality. He will near stand on his head for a peppermint candy. No Matter where he is in the pasture when you call his name he will come a galloping. He is Never hard to catch up. Would rather be in his stall than outside. He is no dummy I LOVE THIS HORSE and he will only go to the BEST OF HOMES