Indy stands quiet while tied. Good for farrier.Quiet, easy going. More whoa than go. Smart and quick learner.he just needs someone to help guide him from time to time. He was shown in ranch riding, ranch horsemanship and western pleasure.Goes off neck rein and leg pressure, could use tune up before show pen. He’s been off a couple months, so a bit out of shape. But is athletic when in work. He’s been used in performance shows in big arena with lights, music and an audience. Carried flags, dragged logs, been ridden in dresses, been ridden in big groups and drills. On trails he rides better in a group but he will ride out alone; just needs a little more guidance then. he’s 100% sound. He travels and settles well in new environments. Can be stalled or pastured. Usually low on the herd pecking order.He is a laidback, sweet horse. He lays down on cue and is started on Liberty training; and doing really really well with it!