Frost is a 5-year-old gelding who stands 14.2 hands tall. He is an unregistered paint/quarter horse cross with a great sticky build and a nice foot and bone to carry most riders of any size. He has a sweet, loving personality that everyone loves.
I bought Frost 6 months ago from the people who raised him. They decided to go a different direction in the horse world, which is the reason Frost became available to me. Since then, I have trail-ridden him extensively. He’s been up and down the steep hills, through mud and water, and he’s seen wildlife of all kinds, too.
He’s also been ridden to sort, catch, and doctor cattle and check fences. Frost will yield to leg pressure and is soft in the mouth. Frost is also one-hand neck rein broke. He will lope circle,s taking the correct leads. Frost is a handy broke horse that is not too complicated to ride, whether you’ve done it all your life or maybe an advanced beginner.
Frost trailers well and gets along good with horses in the field. He’s not bossy or hateful. He’s a pleasure to be around.
He’s got ride in his hide and will fit your bridle. He will sort fly poop from pepper!