Pepsi is a beautiful, very gentle and well trained AQHA 9 year old 14.3 hand bay mare. This horse has quickly become Kaylee's favorite! Pepsi has great conformation and the most wonderful disposition! She acts more like a gelding and is turned out with several other geldings and mares. This is a very user friendly, get along kind of a horse that’s always gentle and an absolute pleasure to ride and be around. Pepsi is fun to ride and easy to operate. She has a good one hand neck rein, a nice low jog and will lope out on cue always taking the correct lead. Very smooth traveling in all gaits and has a nice slow jog and a rocking chair kind of a lope. Collects up well, has a good stop and backs with ease. She will lope out of her tracks from a walk and does flying lead changes. Pepsi is outstanding to ride in the arena, as well as out on our mountain trails and around our busy neighborhood streets. On the trail she will lead with confidence, respectfully follow or ride in the middle of a large group of horses as well as out alone. Crosses tarps, trail obstacles, the river and cross downed timber with no fuss. She is sure footed and dependable navigating the steep terrain that awe ride in. she is equally as good in urban environments and is solid and is un concerned about all the neighborhood activities, including fast passing vehicles, barking charging dogs, farm animals and everything else we encounter around our busy neighborhood. Pepsi has been shown in halter and showmanship classes and has been used on the ranch to gather and sort cattle. this is a super kind, good natured and gentle horse that would work well for most anyone. She is 100% safe sane and sound with no bad habits, vices or issues of any kind. Sold! Sorry you missed her. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!