Talk about pretty is as pretty does! Tanner is a very beautiful well-bred and well-built AQHA thick made 8 year old 15+ hand Buckskin gelding with great confirmation big foot and bone and put together like one should be. He's gentle well trained and very user-friendly to ride. In the arena, Tanner has a great one-hand neck rein, nice comfortable slow jog and lopes out on cue always taking the correct lead. He has a good stop and backs with ease and side pass good to open and close the gates. This horse is an absolute pleasure to ride anywhere! Tanner is quiet and relaxed when riding in our urban environment as well as out on our mountain trails. He is solid and unconcerned about all the things we ride past on our busy neighborhood streets. From farm animals to charging barking dogs, fast passing cars trucks, motorcycles, you name it he’s seen it! He is equally as good to ride out on the trails. He will lead or follow, ride quietly in a group as well as out alone. Crosses the river, creeks, down timber and will go anywhere we point him without hesitation, or fuss. He is sure footed and navigates the steep rocky terrain like the solid ranch horse that he is. Tanner has spent a good part of his life on a working cattle ranch where he has been used for all aspects of ranch horse chores. Pasture roping, gathering sorting and in the branding pen. I cannot say enough good about this horse He is exactly the kind of horse we are always on the hunt for. Tanner is Good-natured always gentle and 100% safe, sane and sound in every way. You will drive the wheels off your truck to find another one like him. Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!