Looking for a stand up roan gelding that has been there and done that? Well here he is! 6 years old and stands 15.3 hands. Driftin takes his leads, changes leads, has an awesome stop, backs soft, side passes with ease and is oh so smooth riding. Lopes nice circles, collects up, backs nice, has a good handle and is super fun to ride. Moves off light leg or hand cues and has a really good stop. He rides quiet but will pick it up when asked and come right back. He will go wherever we point him. Straight up or straight down over around or thru the steepest terrain we have it is no problem for him. He picks his way thru the river rocks like a pro and pays attention to where his feet are. Barking dogs, lawn equipment and fast passing traffic do not bother him. Driftin has done all the ranch work and has had lots of cattle roped on him and has seen lots of country. Hops right in the trailer and stands for the farrier. He gets along well with the other horses in the pasture. Very good looking stand up gelding that is safe sane and sound. See video. Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!