If you are looking for a super good super good natured friendly and gentle horse you have just found her! Grace is a beautiful very well bred 4 year old 15.2 hand AQHA mare that is gentle for the whole family. This horse may be young but she’s an old soul. Classy moving and is super fun to ride. In the arena Grace is smooth traveling with a lovely slow jog. She will lope out on cue never missing the correct lead. She is soft in the face and holds collection nicely. She has a good stop, backs with ease and will side over to open and close the gates. Grace is outstanding to ride out anywhere. When riding around our busy neighborhood streets fast passing vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and the neighborhood dogs are of no concern as well as the odd stuff people put out to the curb. She is equally as good on our rugged mountain trails. She will lead or follow, ride quiet in the middle of a larger group and will go out alone. She crosses water, the tarps, carries the flag and navigates the steep rocky terrain really well. She has seen deer in the hills amongst other wildlife as well as the hikers, bikers and joggers. This mare is truly a special horse. She is an absolute pleasure to ride and be around. Hops right in the trailer, stands quiet to tack and mount. She gets along very well when turned out with the other horses and will share her hay with any of them. She greets us at the gate ready and willing for whatever we have planned. Grace is one of the sweetest and good natured horses we have ever had. It is no accident she is as good as she is. She is out of an Invitation Only mare and has Barbs favorite Zips Chocolate Chip right on her papers as well as many other fine horses. Grace would work well for about anyone wanting a super nice pleasure riding, showing, breeding or trail riding horse. She is good about everything we throw at her and is 100% safe sane and sound with no bad habits or vices. Everything in the video is take one. You know if we have a mare that she is a good one! Can’t say enough good about her! Sold! Sorry you missed her. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!