Cielo is truly gentle and loves attention. He’s laid back, easy and pleasant to be around. Cielo enjoys a gentle hand and always appreciates kindness. We prefer to ride him in a loping hackamore, though he is rides in a bit as well. Either way, he rides great!
Cielo is a great ranch hand and an excellent trail horse. He walks out confidently – by himself or in a group – and he’s sure footed while doing it. He tackles any terrain or obstacle you may come across in the hills with ease. His quiet and willing nature is appreciated by all!
This sweet gelding is one that we intended to keep around for our small children. He’s the perfect size and temperament for small adults and children. Life circumstances have recently caused us to make the difficult decision to offer him to another family. He has had the best care, while with us, and a we’ve had a vet confirm his age. He does have some scar tissue on his tongue, prior to us owning him, though it has not caused him any issues. Thank you for considering sweet Cielo and God bless!
Cielo will sell with no reserve to the highest bidder.