Patch is one of the most unique Draftcross geldings that have had the pleasure to own! He is a sorrel flax mane and tail blanketed Appaloosa that is weighing in around 1400lbs and stands aroujnd 16.2H! He is 6 years old and is very well built. Patch has been ridden around the ranch, checked cows and rode fences. He is a slow and laid back type of horse that will just ease along down the trails with no hesitation. He is a horse that the whole famliy will love and one that will help build everyone’s confidince levels! He has been camping in several states and has been ridden by all ages of beginners. When out on the ranch or going down the trails he will cross creeks, ditches, logs and navigate rough rocky areas. He is safe in traffic safe whether that be trucks or cars. He has a nice jog, his lope is slow, collected and very easy to set as he lopes nice circles! He has been exposed to all kinds of wildlife such as deer or turkey. If you are a big ol feller, a lil bitty lady or a combination of each… Patch will take care of you! Feel free to call Eric - Click here to reveal phone number - with any questions!