If you are looking for a quiet minded gentle and good natured horse you have just found him! Tulsa is a super cute and extremely gentle 13 year old 15 hand black gelding that is thick made with big foot and good bone. This is a super friendly horse that gets along well when turned out with the other geldings and is easy to catch. Catch him wherever you find him unless he comes and greets you at the gate first. He has an easy to sit jog, nice lope, has more whoa than go and is a very peaceful horse. He will pick up the pace when asked but prefers slow. He stops and backs well and will ride out in a group front or back and rides out alone as well. The fast passing cars trucks and bikes along with the charging barking dogs are of no concern to him. He is equally as good out on the busy rugged park trails where the mountain bikes, joggers and such are abundant. He crosses the river, goes over the bridge downed timber and such with ease. He is sure footed in rocky terrain. Hops right in the trailer, saddles up and stands quiet. 100% safe sane and sound.
Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!