Roy is a big and beautiful mellow yellow 15.2 hand 10 year old palomino gelding that’s gentle for most anyone to ride. He is big boned and has nice big feet. He is an absolute pleasure to ride and be around. In the arena he has a good one hand neck rein, a nice jog and will lope out on cue. He has a good stop, backs soft and side passes with ease to open and close the gates. This horse is outstanding to ride around our busy neighborhood streets as well as out on the trails. He is traffic safe and handles all the things we ride past in our busy neighborhood like the solid citizen he is and you could not ask for a better mount for riding the rugged mountain trails. Roy will lead or follow, rides respectfully in a group as well as going out on his own. He navigates the steep and rocky terrain like the seasoned horse that he is. Roy is sure footed and dependable, crosses the deep rivers, creeks and downed timber and navigates the rocky terrain with precision and confidence. He has been extensively trail ridden in the Tetons, has been used in the branding pen, drug calves to the fire and gathered cattle. Roy has a very kind and sweet disposition. He hops right in the trailer and the farrier loved him. He is friendly and loves attention. He is gentle and stays that way. Gets along well with the other horses. We think this horse would work for most anyone. No bad habits or vices and is 100% safe sane and sound. Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match for you! Happy trails!