BIDDING OPEN NOW thru Monday | October 7th...⭐️ Autumn ALL STAR LINEUP ⭐️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Dawn Meade Geppert - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Kalispell, MT
Storm Cloud (registered name “Got Them Denim Blues”) is a stunning 6-year-old dapple gray AQHA gelding. Storm has a beautiful stocky build, an attractive head, kind eyes, a strong back, huge hip and big solid hooves. He stands 15 hands and weighs 1,220 pounds. He is up-to-date on shots and dental, sees the vet regularly, and is 100% sound.
Storm gets along well in a herd. He has a good disposition and will come up to you at the gate or out in the field for scratches. He’s easy to catch, and stands to be haltered. He stands tied to trailers or trees, cross-tied in the barn, and is patient when being saddled and bridled. Storm’s been on overnight excursions, and does well on a highline.
Storm has gone barefoot, but on our rocky Montana mountain trails it’s necessary to keep him shod. He stands and picks up his feet fine for hoof cleaning. He’s not great for the farrier, but passable.
Storm would be a handy ranch horse. Storm is athletic, and would be good for a rider who is knowledgeable and experienced. Before I purchased him, he was used to push cows and had been started in roping. He is not mean, no buck, never lays his ears back or tries to kick. He’s not what I would consider spooky, but out on the trail he will occasionally get startled by an imaginary object. Doesn’t try to run away… just does a little jump/skittle.
Storm has had professional training, and has been exposed to many things. He’s been trailered frequently and hauls well, in both a large multi horse and 2-horse slant trailer. He’s been exposed to Skijoring and Omokesee. He’s been on many long mountain trail rides. Storm will cross downed-logs, wade through snow and go through rushing streams, or out into deep lake water with no issues. When asked to stop, he will stand still until asked to move on.
Storm has a sweet disposition, and could easily become your go-to horse. He loves attention.