BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | JANUARY 27th...January ⭐️All Star Lineup⭐️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Aaliyah Sytsma - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Cincinnati, Iowa
“Thunder Lane Jack” (A.K.A Spade) is a 2021 model FSHR gelding standing 16 hands tall. Spade is full of class and elegance. He is a natural mover with lots of forward action. This gelding was born broke- from day one under saddle he has transistioned into all three gaits beautifully and been such a fancy mover! He takes all new experiences with such ease! He will carry a flag, unphased by silly things like a yoga ball or pool noodles, we have exposed him to fire, loud noises, not a thing phases him! We have started him over jumps and trail rode lots of miles! He truly could go any direction someone would want to take him. Personally I’d love to see him in dressage or continue jumping but with his calm disposition he would make an awesome mounted patrol horse or just a good all around family horse! He can be stalled or pastured, stands tied at the hitching rail or in the cross ties, good with clippers, stands quiet for the farrier, easy to bathe, saddles quietly, and stands to be mounted. He is also one that stays broke with time off. Leave him in a box stall for two weeks pull him out and he will never offer to buck or rear! This is a phenomenal young gelding that EVERYONE will enjoy!