*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Aaliyah Sytsma - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Seymour Iowa
Rolex is a 4 year old palomino gelding standing 13.3 hands and built like a quarter horse! With a big hip, good shoulder, gorgeous mane and tail, and a gorgeous golden coat full of dapples I’m not sure what else you could ask for! Not only is Rolex just drop dead gorgeous but he is broke like mom and dad’s big horse! He collects up nice, takes his leads every time, spins, side passes, breaks at the poll, ect. This is the pony that is guaranteed to get your kids noticed in the arena! Rolex has also been desensitized to all the “weird” stuff. Yoga balls, tarps, flags, ect! He dosent bat an eye! Along with being phenomenal in the arena, Rolex rides super well outside! He goes where you point him with out hesitation, no barn or buddy sour issues! He stands tied, loads and unloads good, saddles up with ease, takes a bit like candy, stands still to be mounted. We do recommend a kid with some with riding experience just because of all his fancy buttons! He has never offered to buck, bite, rear or kick! This is a heck of a pony that will take a kid very very far!