BIDDING OPEN NOW thru Monday | October 7th...⭐️ Autumn ALL STAR LINEUP ⭐️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: DYNAMITE HORSES - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Fort Collins, CO
Aka ; Rojo
Rojo is the real deal.
Standing right under 16 hands, as stocky as they come and extremely athletic (and stunning) this horse can go absolutely any direction you want to take him.
Rojo has been in our lesson program since he was started as a two-year-old and has been on a million trails in and out of state with all levels of riders, he will take care of a young kid riding right through town but can also take on rough mountain terrain with lots of rugged territory.
He is 100% traffic safe, no spook or funny business, fine with dogs, strollers,crowds you name it.
We have even taken him downtown to dinner before!
Rojo is a finished 2D/3/D barrel horse as well, Though he isn’t currently legged up, he has a beautiful pattern and would be easy to get back into it.
Rojo l has a lot of training in western pleasure and the reining world, He has a slow jog and lope, clean pivots, side passes, flying lead changes, rollbacks etc.
Rojo has shown in reining, western pleasure, and ranch versatility as well as competing in barrel races, ranch sorts and a couple competitive trail competitions.
( I also did 2 years of trick riding and taught vaulting on him )
On top of that, Rojo has dressage and jumping training. He has jumped 2’6 consistently and has gone up to 3’6″ with plenty of scope and room to go higher.
Rojo will cross anything you put in front of him and will mold to whatever level and age rider he is paired with. He has also had loads of liberty work, will do circles at liberty in and out of the arena or do a whole showmanship pattern without a halter!
He will ride bridle- less as well with just a neck rope and can still execute beautiful stops, spins, and rollbacks. He is not herd bound or barn sour, goes out alone or in a group and gets along with mares or geldings.
He’s always been healthy and sound with no injuries or health issues as well as barefoot.
Rojo has been roped off of at the ranch, dragged cattle, is quick in the sorting pen and though we haven’t done much of it, would excel in the cutting pen with his extreme athleticism Rojo’s sire was VERY successful in the show world and Rojo would excel going in that direction, or he has the perfect brain to be a reliable mount for the whole family, or go run barrels on him! He is tall, flashy, intelligent, and so much fun to be around! He is one of the goofiest horses at the barn and gets along with everyone that sees him.
Come meet him and see for yourself. We have no doubt you will fall in love!