BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | DECEMBER 2nd...⚜️ The Horseman's Showcase ⚜️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Coyote Hollow Ranch LLC - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Waterford, CA
One word to describe Porter would be.. Incomparable. From the moment you lay your eyes on him, you're captivated in not only his color and confirmation, but his demeanor. He comes with a complete history book that includes all of his show records and earnings. Porter has a different life story than most any horse you can find, please view his show record below and continue reading...
* Non-Pro Halter Geldings
* Non-Pro Masters Western Pleasure
* Non-Pro Most Colorful at Halter
* Non-Pro Novice Western Pleasure
* Non-Pro 35 & Over Western Pleasure
* Open Aged Geldings
* Open Green Hunter Under Saddle
* Open Green Western Pleasure
* Open Hunter in Hand Geldings
* Open Yearling Longe Line
Not only is Porter a money earner who's no stranger to the show pen, he is a grandson of the famous RUGGED LARK (progeny earnings of over $200,000.00)
Understated aka "Porter" was foaled in New Mexico on February 2, 2015. The breeders certainly didn't expect him to hit the ground looking so distinct! He had "winners circle" written all over him from the start. At 4 months old, Understated was adopted by his late owner, who fell absolutely in-love with this remarkable horse and even more so as time went on. She named him Porter. His 70+ year old owner went on to show him primarily in Halter and Open shows throughout the years. Porter was also shown by Cindy Hanson and her kids as well. No fault of his own that he is now for sale, and the exchange of hands is only do to his owners passing.
Porter excels in hunt seat events like Hunter In Hand, HUS, equitation and obviously the Color Classes, but can come back for horsemanship and showmanship. He is a true gentleman with absolutely no vices and no spook. He stands in the crossties, is great to bathe, he self-loads, great to tack up, and easy to shoe.
Porter is perfectly behaved at shows and goes around calmly in chaotic warmups, stands patiently and will go around beautifully in a busy show ring. He has smooth transitions from walk to canter, canter to trot, flying lead changes on both leads as well. All of his gaits are comfortable, he will ride long and low or soft and collected. Porters ground manners are impeccable and you will never complain about having him in hand.
He is used to heavy equipment, cattle, has been ridden in all types of terrain from lowa, to Texas, to Arizona. He is great on the trail and absolutely anyone can ride him anywhere, anytime. Porter is the epitome of gentle, he is suitable for someone learning to canter or take him to the show ring.
Whomever purchases Porter will receive contact information for past owners family/best friend for any other questions you may have about his life over the last 9 years. Porter was x-rayed a few years back and was vetted for maintenance regularly, although he never received injections. He is a clean slate and there is not a blemish on him. Porter was kept in nd then came to our barn where he is spoiled. If you're looking for FANCY, KIND, TRAINED and FUN... call us today. A good home is a MUST for this gelding as he knows nothing less.