BIDDING OPEN NOW thru Monday | August 12th...⚜ The HERITAGE Classic ⚜
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Coyote Hollow Ranch LLC - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Waterford, CA
We are thrilled to bring you Jackpot! He has been hauled all over the place as a head horse, packed low number ropers and won some money jockeyed by higher numbered ropers. He is EXTREMELY user friendly and makes heading look easy. He is great in the box, scores perfect, has plenty of run and rate to cattle. I have branded hundreds of calves on him and doctored yearlings on him outside. He is great in steep terrain and never takes a wrong step. Jackpot has been used as a kids lesson horse during the week to keep him legged up. He is SAFE and RELIABLE for any level rider.