BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | JANUARY 27th...January ⭐️All Star Lineup⭐️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Rockin S Farm - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Rebersburg, PA
If you like a stunning golden palomino quarter horse that is very well broke then be sure to check out Gloria, she's the perfect age of 9 yrs old and has all the buttons you want yet family friendly. Gloria is well trained, she neckreins sidepasses rides bridless and responds very well to leg pressure and is fun to ride, she has a Smooth walk-trot-canter and knows her correct leads she rides well in the arena and lopes nice circles, we've played bounce ball and she will drag a tarp and proudly carries the flag ,
The best thing about Gloria is she is the same horse every time whether you ride her once a month or everyday and she does well with time off, she the kind u can get on and go.
Gloria is also seasoned trail partner and has seen lots of trail miles from state parks to rough country in the appalachia mountains, she's the kind that goes wherever you point her and traffic or 4 wheelers don't bother her at all, she's also been ridden down the main highway and is safe in traffic, we've hauled her to state parks for trail rides and she loads and trailers well with no issues, plus she will ride along on a loose rein and will ride out alone or with other horses, she is easy to load and unload.
Gloria has been used on our farm from checking pasture fences and sorting our beef cattle, she has become a barn favorite around here and a go to horse as she's very versatile and easy to get along with.
Gloria sells 100% sound and just had her dental work done and is also up-to-date on farrier and dewormer as well as a current Coggins and health certificate,
If you would like to come and meet this gorgeous gal or if you have any questions please feel free to call us - Click here to reveal phone number -
Thank you!