BIDDING OPEN NOW thru Monday | July 15th...♦️ MID-SUMMER SHOWCASE ♦️
*Final price will be determined on auction site*
CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Haylee Clark - Click here to reveal phone number -
LOCATION: Grand Saline, TX
Donkey is and will be the sweetest animal you will ever own. He is a tiny 32 inch 5 year old micro mini donkey. He would be the perfect addition to any kid loving family as he loves all people but especially LOVES children.
He is the perfect gentleman , he has been to the beach & swims , inside the house, goes up stairs ,
stands to be groomed , halter broke and broke to ride.
When Donkey see’s you he will coming running to you every time for his daily scratches and hugs.
He is in your pocket at all times , hence the name Donkey from Shrek.
He has also played the role of Donkey at the community trunk or treat as thousands of kids loved and took pictures of him for hours.
He is a Proven breeder, sound in every way, easy to catch, 100% kid trustworthy and an absolute treasure to own.